Money is a form of energy
Think of it the same way as air or water or food… Just another form of resources and energy.
I designed this when I was working a job I didn’t super-love and it helped me find appreciation, and even led to the next job that was a better fit.

Here’s how to bless your paycheck:
1. Set aside a time and space with no distractions. (Can be <5 mins.) Drop into your body with a few deep breaths. It’s very important to FEEL gratitude and safety in this process.
2. Find a physical representation of your $$, whether that’s dolla dolla bills, a wallet, paystubs, or something else. Option to arrange an altar with items to hold your intention and blessing. (Ask me about crystals some other time!)
3. Make a declaration to yourself and any higher force(s) that are listening (God/Universe/Spirit/etc.) Say whatever is true for you, but here’s a good starting place:
“Spirit, I am so grateful for the ability to earn these sacred funds. Thank you for blessing my bank account with this cash. I declare that this divine resource will be used in the highest and greatest good for all. It is so.”
4. Very important! FEEL the gratitude in your body. Does it fill you up like water in a vase? Does it wash over you like a wave? Can you hold it in cupped hands? Does it have a color or a temperature? Let yourself have a total F*** YES moment because YOU GOT PAID TODAY!

From now on, you no longer have dirty dollars in an account somewhere.
You are the keeper of a divine resource and YOU get to decide how to choreograph its movement.
How does it feel to SAVE, INVEST, and SPEND sacred funds?
Cross the boring chores off your to-do list and replace them with the movement you’re creating.
“Grocery shop” –> “Invest in nutritious food for my body and health”
“Get gas” –> “Allow myself the freedom to travel with my own transportation”
I love this practice and I’m SO curious how it goes for you! Email me if you decide to try it and let me know how it goes.