Rachel Red

5×5 Yoga Challenge: November 2023

🌟 Join the 5 x 5 Yoga Challenge – Embrace Generosity and Self-Reflection! 🌟

Are you searching for a way to infuse a bit of mindfulness into your busy life? I’ve got the perfect solution for you: the “5 x 5 Yoga Challenge.” As a certified yoga teacher with over 250 hours of teaching experience, I’m thrilled to guide you through this journey to wellness and self-discovery. Instead of focusing on the physical aspect of yoga, we’re delving into the inner practice.

Challenge Details:

📅 When: 5 consecutive days in November.

Duration: Only 5 minutes each day – a small but impactful commitment.

Theme: Cultivating Generosity (Asteya)

This challenge isn’t just about poses; it’s about embracing the spirit of yoga philosophy. One of the jewels from Patanjali’s yoga sutras is “asteya”, which translates to “non-stealing”, but if it’s non-stealing, then what is it? What is the opposite of stealing, or taking something that isn’t yours? I tend to think of it as “gratitude” or “reciprocity.”, and that’s why they’re the focus of this month’s challenge.

Whether you choose a computer or pen and paper, what matters most is the act of self-reflection (svadhyaya).

📔 Accessing the Journal Prompts:

You can access a PDF with all the reflection journaling prompts here, and follow along through my Instagram, @rachel_red.

Connect with Me Throughout the Challenge:
I’m here to support you every step of the way. Share your journey with me by tagging me on Instagram, sending a direct message, or reaching out on Facebook. Let me know when you start, share any insights, ask questions, or simply connect. Your progress is important to me, and I’m here to cheer you on!

What’s in it for You:
While we may not have dazzling, tangible prizes, the real reward lies in the benefits you’ll receive from a semi-consistent practice for this achievable duration. I’d be thrilled to offer you a virtual HIGH-FIVE!! Over these 5 days, you’ll discover the power of mindfulness and generosity in your daily life. It’s a journey towards a more balanced and centered you.

Set a reminder today! Join the 5 x 5 Yoga Challenge and embrace the spirit of generosity while enhancing your self-awareness. Your journey begins in just 5 minutes a day. You reeeeeady? 🧘‍♀️✨